A Special seminar was held on 16.12.2024 on the theme of “Perungkarkkala Echaangal” in the completion ceremony of certificate course on behalf Department of Tamil, Dr.N.Rajendran , Assistant Professor of Tamil Department , PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatoure attended the event as a special guest and gave a special speech about the Palaeolithic Remains and its current status. 52 students participated and benefited in this event.
Mr. A. Thennarasu, Assistant Professor of Tamil, Department of Tamil, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Erode, has participated in the Dindigul Muthamil Poetry Hall organized by Tamil Nadu Muthamil Sangam on 06.10.2024 and received the Amrita Kavi Award for his excellent poetry presentation.
Department of Tamil organized a One Day National Level Workshop entitled “ Media Education” on 30.08.2024 at Abdulkalam Arangam. Mr.R. Arikarasuthan, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Design, DJ Academy of Design, Coimbatore. He explained types of media, media quality, blog creation, uses of social media and how to handle the news media techniques to the students who attended the workshop. 200 students participated and benefited from the workshop.
On account of Kamarajar and Maraimalai Adikal birthday, Tamil Literary Association conducted competitions like Poetry, Essay, Speech and Drawing on 15.07.2024. Nearly 81 students participated in this event enthusiastically and exposed their artistic skills.
Department of tamil have conducted a certificate course in “Kalvettiyal” on 07.09.2023. As part of that more than 60 students were taken to Thirumuruganpoondi Muruganathswarar temple for field study.
Kamarajar's 121st Birthday Celebration was organized by Tamil Language Club on 14th July 2023. More than hundred students were participated in this competition.
Department of Tamil, Tamil Literary Association organised a guest lecture program on 01.09.2022. Mr.V.Boominathan, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil, Kongu Arts Science College, Erode was the chief guest. He delivered his lecture on “Rarity of Words”. He explained to the students about the characteristics of the word and usage of the words. More than 150 students benefited from his speech.
Department Tamil was organized Certificate valediction programme on 30.05.2022. The theme of this program was Ecology. Special speaker given a speech about our Ecology system. What we know about Ecology and how to product Ecology for our better and nature life.. More than 100 students are took a part in this program.
Department of Tamil has Started Certificate course in name of “Vanaviyalil Uyir Soolaliyal” for the academic year 2021-2022. In the part of visit has been conducted on 19.04.2022 at Bargur hills with 66 students. Then meeting with people Tribes and our student has understand the things about animal husbandry and nature.
Department of Tamil organised a Bharathidasan memorial Day Special guest lecture program on 21.04.2022. Dr.K.Ramesh, Professor,Department of commerce, KSR College,Trichengode was the chief guest. He delivered his lecture on “Puthiyathor Ulagam Seivom”. He was reveal his speak a new issues of mobile usage and media pollution thenso many factors are polluting to the students. The event second session was the discussion with student and guest .
Department of Tamil , Bharathidasan college of Arts and Science Erode organised a special on music on 29.03.2022. M .N.Sathyamoorthi, Principal, Goverment School of music was the chief guest. He explained the basics of Music. Dr.Ganasekar and Ms. Devi Priya are felicitated the program. These two resourcepersons explained the basics karnatic music to the students. Dr.R.Shanmughan, Principal, Dr.S.Kamesh, Dean and 300 students from various departments felicitated the Program.
Department of Tamil, Tamil Literary Association and Fine Arts Club, Bharathidasan College of arts and Science joinly organised a guest lecture program on 31.12.2021. Dr.R.Viswanathan, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil, CN College was the chief guest. He delivered his lecture on “Darkness is a low light”. He emphasised his speech on the way to face both darkness and lightness in a brave way. He quoted a few exambles from History and literature in which the historical figures overcame darkness and succeeded in their lives.
Department of Tamil, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science organised a special guest lecture program on 15.12.2021. Mr.M.Sankar, Assistant Professor in Tamil, Vinayaga Mission Kirubananda Variyar Arts and Science College, Salem was the chief guest. Traditional Art in Tamil Literature, the characteristics features of Music and their varieties were elaborately discussed.
Department of Tamil Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science conducted a webinar on 30.10.2021 entitled “Siththar Marabu kattum Vazhviyal Neri”. Mr. Rafeek Raja, Founder Sool Vasippu Thalam, was the resource person. He discussed the traditional values given by Siththar of the classic eras. Further he highlighted the suggestions and ideas of siththars in the area of Medicine, philosophy and spirituality, etc.. He demonstrated with the verses from siththar’s writings.
Department of Tamil, Tamil Tradition Centre was established on 12.10.2021. Some antique things which have been received from students and staff are displayed to visitors. Thiru V.R.Murugan, Treasurer inaugurated the exhibition. Dr.R.Shanmugan Principal, Dean, A.O,CEO felicitated the exhibition. Students were permitted to see the exhibition.
Department of Tamil, Bharathidasan College of Arts & Science conducted a one day webinar on 27.09.2021. P.Dhanasekar,Assistant Professor of English, Sri Venkateswara Arts And Science College, Gobi was the key note speaker.
Department of Tamil, Bharathidasan College of Arts & Science conducted a one day webinar on 16.08.2021. Dr.K.Nagarajan, Former Associate Professor of Tamil, CN College Erode was the Resource Person.
Department of Tamil Conducted E – Quiz entitled “Mannum Manamum” organised by Dr.S.Karthikeyan on 26.06.2020 & 27.06.2020.
Department of Tamil Conducted E – Quiz entitled “Naveena Illakkiyam” organised by Dr.V.Manickaboopathi on 11.07.2020 & 12.07.2020.
Department of Tamil Conducted E – Quiz entitled “Siththarum Tamilum” organised by Dr.K.Chelladhurai on 18.08.2020 & 19.08.2020.
Department of Tamil Conducted E – Quiz entitled “Needhi Illakkiyam” organised by Ms.B.Dhivya on 10.10.2020 & 11.10.2020.
A Webinar was organized to bring out “ Indian Philosophy” in tamil Literature on 25/09/2020 Mr.U.Krishnamoorthy , PG assistant, Sanmuga factory Government Higher secondary school, addressed the gatherings.
A Webinar was conduted on “ Tamil Samuga Varalattril Kodumanal” on 14-07-2020. Dr.N.Rajendran, Assistant Professor of Tamil, Hindustan Arts & Science College, Coimbatore was the keynote Speaker, He demonstrated with a few archeological evidence from Kodumanal, Erode District.
Department of Tamil organized a special webinar on “ Saivapulamai Varalaru : thirugnanasamanthar” on 25-06-2020 Dr.R.Gokul, Assistant Professor , Shri Ramakrishna mission Vidhyalaya Arts & Science College, Coimbatore was the chief guest.
On behalf of Derpartment of Tamil a Webinar related to grammer entitled “Meipattu Tamil” was conducted on 11-06-2020. Mr.I.Selvam was the Resource Person . I delivered his address on the history of classical Literature.
On behalf of Bhrathidasan College of arts And Science, Tamil Department and Drivida Iyakka Aaivu Maiyam, Chickaiah Naikkar College organised an Internatinal Conference entitled “Ethics in Literature” on 20.09.2019. Mr.Valaithamil Parthasarthi, Ex-Head of Wasington Tamil Sangam was the chief guest.He enthusiastically explained the signifiance of Tamil language. Dr.P.Kamalakannan, Head, Tamil Department,Chickaiah Naicker College delivered a speech on present society. Dr.R.Shanmugan, delivered an inaugural address.Dr.C.Angayarkanni, Associate Professor, Chikkaiya Naicker College, Dr.K.Nagarajan, Ex.Professor, Chickaiah Naicker College, Ms.Gomathi Subramaniam, Head, Department Of Tamil, Nandha College, Ms.Maheswari, Assistant Professor of Tamil, Nirmala college, acted as a chair person. Many Participants from various colleges presented the research papers.
On behalf of Tamil Department one day workshop has conducted on 30.07.2019. Dr.Thulasimani, Associate professor, Sri Vasavi College organized the programme. Sivaneyar Murugesan , Sri Yoga Siththar Thiruththalam,Vellikuttai, and Siththaradiyar A.Ashokkumar Sri Yoga Siththar Thiruththalam,Vellikuttai, were the chief guests of the programme.
On behalf of Tamil Department has conducted oneday workshop on 19-07-2019. Dr.P.Saravanan , Siddha medicine , Kovai was the chief guest of the programme.
On behalf of Tamil language club , Bharathidasan College Of Arts & Science has organized special leuture entitled “ youth towards nature” on 11-07-2019.Kovai Sathasivam acted as a chief guest.
Dr.S.Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor acted as a chief guest in Bharathidasan college of Arts & Science ,on 04-07-2019 and delivered a lecture on “Manamey Mahasakthi” on behalf of Vivehandar Memorial day.
Dr.V.Manickaboopathi , Assistant Professor acted as a chief guest in Sri Vasavi College on 02-07-2019 and delivered a lecture on Modern Short Stories.
2018 - 2019
Dr.C.Satheeshkumar , Hod of Tamil acted as chief guest in Sri Venkateswara Hi Tech College, Gobi on 25-02-2019 and delivered a lecture on Ethics in life.
Department of Tamil Conducted FolkLore Cutural festival entitled Manvaasam 2019 on 01-02-2019, 167 students from 20 colleges actively took part in the program.
On behalf of Bcas, Tamil Dept had conducted various competitions to the students for Pongal Celebration on 08-01-2019. 96 students participated in the competitions. And prizes were distributed to the winners.
Department of Tamil Organized a valediction program for certificate course on 26-12-2018. Dr.ArasuParameshwaran, Asst.Prof of Tamil,Arignar Anna Arts College,Namakkal was invited as the chief guest. 72 students from our college received their certificates.
On behalf of Tamil Department a one day seminar was organized on 19-09-2018 Dr.R.Yuvaraj,Asst.Prof of Tamil, Vivehanada College of Arts and Science, Trichengode was the Chief Guest of the program.
As a part of Certificate course 72 Students from our college went on Archeological visit to Kodumanal & Vijayamangalam on 19-06-2018.
2017 - 2018
2016 -2017
2018 - 2019 ( M.Phil Part Time Details )
2017- 2018 ( M.Phil Part Time Details )
2016 - 2017
M.Phil Part Time Details
Approved for M.Phil programme was accorded from the academic year 1999-2000. However it was withdrawn from the academic year 2014-2015, as per university guidelines. BU has given a fresh approvel to conduct M.Phil programme from 8th july 2016 onwards and admissions were carried out.
2015 - 2016
Ph.D, viva – voce had been conducted on 5th feb 2016 in our department.
This project entitled with the colletive works of poet Malayaman
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